Wikipedia:scots-english-scots dictionar - wikipedia, This article uises bare urls for citations, which mey be threatened bi airtin rot. please consider addin full citations so that the airticle remains verifiable. several templates an the reflinks tool are available tae assist in formattin. (reflinks documentation).
John's jottings - driffield | elmswell farms, Cultivating pea land 2019 posted - tuesday 16th april 2019: we have been cultivating pea land ready for drilling this years pea crops. the ground is very dry and we are using a power harrow to work the land and make a nice fine seed bed for the peas..
Mythology of stargate - wikipedia, A stargate is a fictional device that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. the first stargate appears in the 1994 film stargate, and subsequently carries over to stargate sg-1 and its spin-offs. in these productions the stargate functions as a plot generator, allowing the main characters to visit alien planets without the ne ed for spaceships or any other fictional.
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May 06, 2019
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